IASA 橄榄油鳀鱼片
Freshly caught anchovies from the waters off the Amalfi coast are cured under sea salt for 12 months.
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You can modify or cancel your subscriptions after 2 orders to be qualified for the 10% off. Subscriptions are renewed automatically.
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从阿马尔菲海岸附近海域捕捞的新鲜凤尾鱼在海盐下腌制 12 个月,然后仔细清洗并用手去骨。结实的粉红色鱼片放在洁白的亚麻布上,以吸收盐水和盐分。干燥几分钟后,鱼片被巧妙地并排放在玻璃罐中,并涂上橄榄油。
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